Python subprocess get output in tmux
Python subprocess get output in tmux

Result=execute.start_process(cmd2,callback=liveOUTPUT,validator="Hash of data verified.The recommended approach to invoking subprocesses is to use the run()įunction for all use cases it can handle. Self.process = subprocess.Popen(cmd_list,stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.PIPE,shell=True) If self.validator in line: print("Valid") self.result=Trueĭef start_process(self,cmd_list,callback=None,validator=None,timeout=None): While () is None and (time.time() - start) < self.timeout: The only thing I haven't solved is why this works perfectly for log messages but I see some print messages show up later and all at once.Ĭmd=' -chip esp8266 write_flash -z 0x1000 /home/pi/zero2/fw/base/boot_40m.bin'Ĭmd2=' -chip esp32 -b 115200 write_flash -z 0x1000 /home/pi/zero2/fw/test.bin'Ĭmd3=' -chip esp32 -b 115200 erase_flash' I'm sure there is overhead being added here but it is not a concern in my case. Stdout_str = "".join(stdout_parts) # Just to demo # Not sure if this is needed, but run it again just to be sure we got it all? # For example, check a multiprocessor.Value('b') to proc.kill() # The main loop while subprocess is running # fcntl makes readline non-blocking so it raises an IOError when emptyįor s in iter(proc_stream.readline, ''): # replace '' with b'' for Python 3 """A little inline function to handle the stdout business. # Make stdout non-blocking when using read/readlineįl = fcntl.fcntl(proc_stdout, fcntl.F_GETFL)įcntl.fcntl(proc_stdout, fcntl.F_SETFL, fl | os.O_NONBLOCK)ĭef handle_stdout(proc_stream, my_buffer, echo_streams=True, log_file=None): Proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) Also, feedback very much welcome! import time Hopefully I didn't ruin it in the copy and paste.


I'm stripping back a lot of exception and such here so this is based on code that works in production. I don't want to use threads just for output gathering as I want as many available as possible for other things (a pool of 20 processes would be using 40 threads just to run 1 for the process thread and 1 for stdout.and more if you want stderr I guess) (In Python2.7, but this should work in newer 3.x as well). stream output, write to a log file and return a string copy of the output.Ī little background: I am using a ThreadPoolExecutor to manage a pool of threads, each launching a subprocess and running them concurrency. Use PIPE as I needed to do multiple things, e.g.Non-blocking as I need to check for other things going on.No threads for stdout (no Queues, etc, either).None of the answers here addressed all of my needs. Self.capture_output = threading.Thread(target=self.output_reader)įor line in iter(, b''): Only the last result is kept, all other output is discarded, hence prevents the PIPE from growing out of memory: import subprocess This PoC constantly reads the output from a process and can be accessed when needed. Note that in my use case, an external process kills the process that we Popen().

python subprocess get output in tmux python subprocess get output in tmux

I just wanted to share this, as I ended up on this question trying to do something similar, but none of the answers solved my problem. Raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(returnCode, command) Print "Waiting for async readers to finish." # Sleep for a short time to avoid excessive CPU use while waiting for data. # Process all available lines from the stderr Queue. # Process all available lines from the stdout Queue. While not stdoutReader.eof() or not stderrReader.eof(): # Keep checking queues until there is no more output.

python subprocess get output in tmux

(stderrReader, stderrQueue) = AsyncLineReader.getForFd(process.stderr) (stdoutReader, stdoutQueue) = AsyncLineReader.getForFd(process.stdout) Process = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) Return not self.is_alive() and getForFd(cls, fd, start=True): In case someone wants to read from both stdout and stderr at the same time using threads, this is what I came up with: import threadingĪssert isinstance(outputQueue, Queue.Queue)

Python subprocess get output in tmux